Monday, March 30, 2009

It Slices, It Dices . . .

Cranked out this piece over the weekend. It's about Ron Popeil, the man who pioneered the infomercial and brought us such ground-breaking inventions as Spray-On Hair, the Pocket Fisherman, and the Showtime Rotisserie. My angle was that he kind of evolved the entrepreneurial method of sales from door to door to the wider-reaching medium of television. I'll get some feedback today, so we'll see what happens . . .

Monday, March 23, 2009

Money Money Money

New piece. Needs a few tweaks, but here it is as of now. It's about Markus Frind, the dude that invented, the biggest dating website in the country. He makes tens of millions of dollars a year working like ten minutes a day. Ridiculous.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Strange Appeal

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I was with VCU attending a conference in Qatar. Here is the latest piece that I've finished. The article, from Playthings magazine, is titled, "A Strange Appeal." It talks about the surprising popularity of science and nature toys in today's market. Enjoy.
